Thursday 3 October 2013

  • 1 large aubergine
  • 1 mozzarella
  • 2 tomatoes
  • A handful of fresh basil
  • Parmesan
  • Tomato sauce
  • Olive Oil
  1. Cut the aubergines into thin slices, brush with olive oil and grill until tender.
  2. Let the aubergines cool and in the meantime cut the mozzarella and tomatoes into thin slices.
  3. Once aubergines have cooled down, assemble each slice aubergine with a slice of mozzarella, tomato and basil.  Then roll up and place in a baking dish.
  4. Once all aubergine slices are done pour over the tomato sauce, pour enough to cover lightly the aubergines.  
  5. Grate the parmesan on top and drizzle with olive oil.
  6. Bake in oven at around 200°C for 15 minutes.  Just enough to heat the sauce and the aubergines.

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